vendredi 16 janvier 2009

A delicious surprise

Look what I found in the market this morning to brighten up a cold( ok semi to hardly cold for my Midwestern friends) rainy, dreary Agadir day! Raspberries!! Big , red juicy , wonderfully YUMMY, raspberries. In the little shop of fresh fruits and veggies where I bought them, the owner, Hadj, told me they were cultivated in the Agadir region and exported to the States!!

So look around you, and if you see raspberries with a ticket saying they come from Morocco,
take them home and let them brighten up you day, too.

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, believe me, you'll not regret it!!

1 commentaire:

Ginny a dit…

They look delicious... mouth watering, especially in the midst of the recent cold snap we've experienced! I'll keep my eyes open for these at the local market.