Hi everyone!
What a fun, full month of October we've had.
Dear dear friends from Scotland, Sheila and Brahim Idessane were in Agadir for three weeks.
It is always such a treat when they come for a visit.
We not only reminisce( we met in Agadir in the fall of 1968, shortly after I arrived in Agadir, where Sheila and Idessane already lived) , we also get caught up on our families and even find the time to remake the world.
This is always done around a table, set with delicious dishes and wine, in the delightful company of our small, but very vigorous and amusing, English speaking colony of Agadir.
I took many pictures, naturally, and I'm going to post a few just to give you an idea of the great "ambiance" .
I'm going to try to use a new program to upload the pictures, so bear with me..
OK, the pictures are in reverse order as far as dates go, but I guess that doesn't matter.
First three pictures: A Pasta evening at the Tufanis..I should've taken a picture of the "pasta" dishes themselves, I suppose, but I didn't. However I did photographe our jack o'lanterns!
Picture 4 and 5 are of our "English Speaking group" taken at Helen and Dennis':
Picture 6 is Sheila and Idessane enjoying Mina's delicious cous cous..
Picutre 7, is the cous cous!!HMMMMMMMMMMMMM GOOD!
I'm trying to upload a collage I made from pictures taken one evening at the Hamdys( Sylvia and Abdellatif's ) but I'm not sure it's going to work.. it's also getting to be may bed time!!
So if the first picture you see is a collage, you'll know it worked, if it's not, you'll know it didn't, and I'll try to do it tomorrow with a fresher brain!!
Plus I've a few more things I wanted to say..so I'll get back to you tomorrow for sure.