jeudi 26 mars 2009

Coast Coral Tree ( Erythrina Caffra) in bloom

As I post these pictures tonight, the coral colored, short, broad petals that make up these magificent flowers have almost all fallen to the ground, leaving the tree clothed in the finery of it's leaves.
But a couple weeks ago, as it's blooms transformed it into a giant orange pompom, it was all too tempting, and I gave in to capturing it over and over again!

The first flowers appear.

A zoom on the lower branches.

A couple days later

And a couple more days later, kissed by the sun!!

The tree in full bloom, with surprisingly enough, many more leaves than usually present when it's in full bloom.

A few more zooms....for me zooms are good for the soul!!

Explosive beauty!!

So peaceful looking, too!!

Lovely flowers , aren't they!
Come visit us next March and see them for yourselves!!

mardi 24 mars 2009

Jacaranda trees in bloom

As I said in the previous post, here are our beautiful Jacaranda trees in bloom.

"Quartier" Cité's up and down this hill that I rode my little velo solex , to and from work, when I was a BVS volunteer in 1968-69. At the time there were no trees, or walls , and only two houses built along the avenue. It was just one big empty lot, on both sides of the street!
Now it's full of beautiful villas .

More houses, cars and Jacarandas.

Agadir's "main drag", main street, Av. Hassan II.
Even though the city has grown into a town with many quarters and multiple
"shopping centers", this area still remains my tramping grounds. Everything is within 5 minutes on foot, from the apartment!

Another shot, to show the trees.

And another

Must zoom in for a few close ups!!

Aren't they pretty

Fluffy clusters of Jacarandas

Wow it worked!!

Wow, I see my experiment worked!!
I now have a clustrmap, so I can tell where my visitors are from!! Neat no?
My days have been so full latley I've not had time to post anything on my blog....I also must admit, I'm looking for a new interesting idea to share.
Until I find one, I'm going to go for more flower pics!!

Our coast coral tree ( Erythrina Caffra) began blooming around the 10th of March..(It's really not ours, it's in the yard behind us, but I can see it so well from our bedroom window, I've adopted it!!)
I snapped it everyday as the lovely short, broard petals emerged into clusters resembling a cockscomb. They're a bright, warm orangy-red color. Usually the flowers appear even before the leaves, but this year, maybe due to all the rain we've had,the tree is full of both flowers and leaves!!

Yesterday I went on a picture splurge ( AGAIN)
The Jacaranda( Jacaranda mimosifolia) trees in town are all in bloom..along the avenues, in yards, in the parks. They are just beautiful with their clusters of blue tubular flowers. Once the petals start to fall they leave magnificent blue carpets under the trees, and the flowers are replaced by little round, woody pods.
I'm going to show you some pictures of this feathery, ferny tree in all it's glory!

So these are the two marvellous acts of creation I'll be posting later on today!!
I hope you come back to enjoy them...


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samedi 7 mars 2009

Journée de la Femme, 8 Mars

Tomorrow the 8th of March, is International Women's Day...It's a day that's been set a side to remember the victories fought and won by women to secure their rights in society. But it also invites us to reflect on the conditions of women everywhere in today's world.

It's the ideal occassion for us to evaluate the progess that's been made to promote egality for women, without forgetting to identify the difficulties that women still must over come in society and look for ways to better their conditions!!

To all my femine readers and friends I offer this bouquet of spring violets and wish you a "Happy International Women's Day!!

Another gift of time

A couple weeks ago we celebrated with Reymonde , her 86th birthday. In a parish room next to the church, after choir practice, we helped her blow out the candles and shared the cake.
Reymonde and her husband are French "snowbirds".
They spend 6 months of the year in sunny Agadir, to escape the caprices of France's winter weather. Reymonde loves to sing and is a delightful addition to our little group. In spite of her many years and health problems she's always present and always wearing her big smile.
Happy Birthday, Reymonde!

Reymond and Father Bert behind the table prepared for the occassion.

A group picture of the choir

Reymonde and her new scarf

The two of us

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Gift of friends

Just to let you know Saana, how happy I was to know you'd visited my blog .
It was great reading you.
Wish I had an address of some kind so I could answer.
The little gal in this photo still has a very big place in all our hearts!!
Hope all is well for you!
Je t'embrasse très fort!
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