mardi 1 décembre 2009

Gaylord Center, Grapevine, Tx

Watch closely because the train in this amazing little miniature "cowtown"
goes zipping by and in the blink of an eye, it's gone...
It was October, so the little town was full of Halloween decorations,
now I'm sure the halls are all "decked with balls of holly";
Enjoy the following pics of this adorable "ville".

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Gaylord Hotel and convention, Grapevine, Tx

More pics of Gaylord's Texas, toy, town.

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Gaylord Hotel Resort-Convention Center

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Gaylord Hotel and convention, Grapevine, Tx

A fun visit to this very "sheik" hotel resort while visiting in Texas this fall.
The Gaylord Center.

The ever present Lone Star of Texas!!
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