vendredi 19 novembre 2010

Play time

"I was having a great time on my play rug,
playing with Mr. Giraffe...then...

.... I turned and saw Mrs. , what a surprise!!
What big blue eyes you have, Mrs. Elephant!!!!"

" Just before bedtime, tucked between two blankets
made by my great Grandma Hoke,
I decided to get acquainted with my new playmate bunny rabbit"

"I'm sure we're going to be best of friends!!
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Rub-a -dub- dub-Maya's in the tub!!

There's only one thing better,
than a nice warm bath at the end of the day....

And that's sucking all the good bath water off my fingers!!!!"

"Gotta wash the back side, too!!"

"This is so nice I could sit here forever or at least,
until it's time to eat again!!"
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First shooting sessions

Oh, my picture shooting Gramma is back!!!

"Let me see, how's this for a pose?"

"This is better, but "Hurry, please, Gramma!"

"I agree with Gramma, this is my favorite picture, too!!"
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