jeudi 24 mars 2011

Gramma's beautiful bougainvilia

First look ......

then reach up.....

Magnificent, isn't it?!!

Such a pretty picture!!!

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Snack time

Maya's ready to taste the orange slice hidden in the little net
she's holding in her hand.

"Here Gramma, you try it!"

" Hmmmm, it's really good and refreshing!!"

"I'm done, can we go for a walk, now?"
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Hi again!!

"Hi there! As you can see I'm back visiting in Agadir...
yes, I must admit I'm enjoying myself!!"

"My new music box plays the prettiest tune , and it's light enough ,
I can really get a hold of it and check it out!!

"Now these are quite challenging...which one goes in first??"

" Wanna come play, too?"
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samedi 5 mars 2011

Maya in the garden

Last weekend Tammy and Mehdi were in Rabat and Maya loved
being outside in her grand parents' beautiful yard.
"See how well I can sit , now?!!"

Hi everybody...I can bite, now!!!!

" Ahhh this is the life!!!"

" Coucou Maman!!"

" Love the daffodils..I wonder what it'll taste like??!!"
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