mercredi 4 novembre 2009

My Wonderful Trip Home

Of course it's good to be back in Agadir, with Mimmo in our cosy home, with friends and familiar activities to fill the day.
But I'm still under the enchantment of the wonderful five weeks I spent in the States...Going through and editing my pictures only re-enforces the spell. I feel like the last autumn leaf , golden, orange or maybe a deep red or brown, hanging on to a high branch till a gust of frosty wind knocks me to the ground...hanging on to all the beautiful, fun memories, before letting go, and getting back into the "swing" of everyday life.
Not that the memories will be lost, NEVER!!! But they'll be less present!!
To all of you who were a part of this adventure; for your hospitatlity, your generosity, your disponability, smiles and friendships, thank you ever so much!
I will now begin posting some pictures that I hope you will enjoy!

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